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FAQ About Bank Deposits

Why can't I access Accounting?

In order to use our Accounting features, you must already be using  Rentler Payments. To start scheduling and receiving online rent payments, sign into your Rentler account and click "Payments" in the left-hand toolbar.

What does the bank deposits feature entail?

It means that now you can reconcile your tenant's rent payments with incoming deposits. After you click on Accounting, you will automatically be taken to an overview of all your bank deposits and the date they were submitted. 

Once you click on a line item, you will be taken to a screen where you can see all the details; including a unique transaction ID, payment method, renter info, and more. From this  screen  you can also download a CSV document for your accounting records.

What other Accounting features are coming?

In the future, landlords and property managers will be able to use Accounting to track batch deposits, create a rent roll, and more.

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