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My tenants want to build their credit history, how do they do that?

We’ve collaborated with the three major credit bureaus to allow tenants the option to have rent payments reported to help build their credit history. Once the tenant enrolls, rental payment data (including missed or late payments) will be reported to Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion. These reports are used by banks, financing companies, and more to determine a consumer’s eligibility for loans, credit accounts, and various other account types. Here’s how they can enroll:

  1. After a landlord sets up a new payment and the tenant accepts, there will be an option for the tenant to enroll on the same page where they can view their payment details.

2. The tenant clicks 'Enroll' to get started.

3. After a tenant enrolls, their rental payment history will automatically be reported each month to Experain, TransUnion and Equifax.

NOTE: Any missed payments will be reported negatively after 30 days of being past due. If your tenant is making payments outside of the system please make sure to record this as a manual payment to avoid negative impact to their credit.

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